More Than Just Quotes
In this section you will learn the basic teachings of the early church fathers on the most important issues in Christianity. Though their teachings and writings are not equal to Scripture, they are very useful for understanding the lives and teachings of the early church. Some of these men actually walked and talked with the disciples of Jesus Christ. Of course I cannot quote their writings in their entirety so I have included the location of these quotes along with the free online source in which you can read them. Please take time to read these quotes within there context and get a greater understanding of how deep and insightful these men’s teachings are.[1]
Also, remember while you are reading these quotes that these are more than just ideas and theories, these are the truths that were preach by Peter and Paul, recorded in the New Testament writings, and are now a shining bright light illuminating the path we must forever walk on. There are over a 36,200 quotes of the New Testament in the early church father’s writings.[2] They set forth an excellent example of carrying on the tradition of the apostles and first disciples.
1. Why do you think it is important to remember what the early disciples wrote about key beliefs?
2. Why do you believe the above six beliefs are important to the Christian faith?
In this section you will learn the basic teachings of the early church fathers on the most important issues in Christianity. Though their teachings and writings are not equal to Scripture, they are very useful for understanding the lives and teachings of the early church. Some of these men actually walked and talked with the disciples of Jesus Christ. Of course I cannot quote their writings in their entirety so I have included the location of these quotes along with the free online source in which you can read them. Please take time to read these quotes within there context and get a greater understanding of how deep and insightful these men’s teachings are.[1]
Also, remember while you are reading these quotes that these are more than just ideas and theories, these are the truths that were preach by Peter and Paul, recorded in the New Testament writings, and are now a shining bright light illuminating the path we must forever walk on. There are over a 36,200 quotes of the New Testament in the early church father’s writings.[2] They set forth an excellent example of carrying on the tradition of the apostles and first disciples.
Therefore, do not let
these men’s lives and sacrifices be in vain, please prayerfully read their
explanations of Scripture and ask God for an understanding heart to grasp the
doctrine they were conveying from Scripture, for if the Lord should tarry for
another generation, it will be our job to pass along these great truths.
Here are the six core
doctrines that will be discussed:
1. The
Bible Has Been Preserved and is the Word of God
2. The
Triune Nature of God
3. Jesus
is God
4. The
Saving Work of Jesus
5. Salvation
is By Grace Through Faith
6. Judgment
Day – Heaven & Hell
1. Why do you think it is important to remember what the early disciples wrote about key beliefs?
2. Why do you believe the above six beliefs are important to the Christian faith?
Here is the free online link to all the church father’s writings:
Josh McDowell, The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict (Nashville: Thomas
Nelson Publishers, 1999), 43.