Chapter 13 | Protestors That Would Not Stop Protesting

1 Timothy 4:1-3, “1 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 2 Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. 3 They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth.”

The Heart of the Protestant Revival and Reformation 

Paul foretold about the Roman Catholic Church when he said to Timothy that in later times some people would abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.  As you can see from reading the timeline of Rome’s false doctrines in the previous chapter it is easy to tell that these lies came from Satan’s kingdom.  Only demons would teach Christians to pray to Mary and believe in a place like purgatory and other such lies as indulgences, papal infallibility, and mass.  Also, it was the Roman Catholic Church that eventually forbade their priests to marry and also commanded certain foods not to be eaten on special days such as meat on Friday or during Lent. 
Therefore, as the True Church of the Lord Jesus Christ lost it place in the Church of Rome the Catholic Church also became the fulfillment of John’s prophecy about the Whore of Babylon.[1]  Read the following verses in Revelation to learn why the Roman Catholic Church was and is the Whore of Babylon.
Revelation, 17:4-6, “The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. 5 This title was written on her forehead: MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. 6 I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus.” 
The word to John in the above passage teaches that this prostitute of Babylon, also known as the “whore of Babylon”, was a rich powerful organization that filled the earth with her filth and had become drunk with the blood of saints.  Protestants have always taught and believed this to be the Roman Catholic Church because of the following reasons: (1) The Church of Rome had become rich and powerful by making partnerships with wicked governments and thus was clothed in “purple”, the color symbolic for royalty  (2) The Church of Rome has always been full of wicked leaders that abuse their religious positions for sex, money, and power and spread it all over the world as filthy adulteries (3) When the true Church broke away from Roman Catholic Church the Catholics killed and tortured over 5 million Christians simply because of their testimony about Jesus Christ.
Therefore, as you begin to read about the lives and stories of the Protestants and their great struggles for religious freedom from the demonic strongholds in the Catholic church remember that they in fact were always the True Church of Jesus Christ and that God was using their lives and deaths to revive a backslidden church.  Here is a brief timeline of these Protestors lives and movements.

Timeline of the Roman Catholic Protestors from the 1100’s to the 1500’s

1177-1500’s    Peter Waldo starts the Waldensian movement.  This movement fought against the dictatorship of the pope and lies of the Catholic Church, they believed the Bible was for everyone and that priests should not be the only ones allowed to preach it. 

1320-1400’s    John Wycliffe, known as the “Morning Star” of the Reformation, founded the Lollard movement, which opposed the Catholic Church and taught the priesthood of the believer; salvation by faith, and the foundation of doctrine was found only in the Bible.  He was the first person to translate the Bible (New Testament) into English, which was the common language of the people.

1372-1500’s    John Hus carried the teachings of Wycliffe to his people and his followers were known as the Hussites.

1494-1536       William Tyndale translated the whole Bible into English and supported the work of Martin Luther and the Reformation.

1483-1546       Martin Luther is known for being the founder of Protestant Reformation by nailing his 95 theses on the door of his Catholic Church and thus starting the Reformation.  His followers became known as the Lutherans and exist in the present day. 

Description of the Early Protestors

            Though most of these great men did know each other or have the opportunity to meet one another, they did share the same heart for the truth and were each used in their own time and in their own land to bring about the change and the revival to the Roman Catholic Church that God wanted.  They were labeled by the Catholics of their day as “enemies of Christ”, “protesters of the Church”, and “heretics”, but in God’s eyes they were as forever known as his “apostles of truth”, “revivers of the church”, and “precious saints of God”.  Below is a list of the truths that held these courageous men together. 
The Five Solas of the Protestors

1.   By Faith Alone (Sola Fide) | This meant that a person was not saved by doing the sacraments or the good works of the Catholic Church, but rather a person was saved by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ, Romans 5:1 & Ephesians 2:8. 

2.   By Scripture Alone (Sola Scriptura) |  This teaching stood for the Bible alone being the only infallible rule for faith and conduct and not the Bible plus the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 & 2 Peter 1:19-21.

3.   Through Christ Alone (Solus Christus) | This taught that there was only one mediator between God and man and that is the God-Man Jesus Christ, not the Mary or the saints of the Catholic Church, 1 Timothy 2:5-6 & John 14:6.

4.   By Grace Alone (Sola Gratia) | This means that God saves not because of what good things man does but because of His own grace that He gives freely to sinners, Ephesians 2:8 & 2 Thessalonians 2:15-17.

5.   Glory to God Alone (Soli Deo Gloria) | This taught that because God alone was 100% responsible for salvation therefore only God alone would receive the glory, not the saints, the mother Mary, the Pope, nor the Catholic Church, Philippians 2:11 & Jude 1:25.

These pioneers of the faith did more than just teach against the Roman Catholic Church, they resisted it with all their might and fought against that Great Whore of Babylon with their words and lives until Satan was forced to loose his grip on the True Church and God was moved to send revival to the land.  Countless thousands of men, woman, and children died as a result of standing for the above listed truths, but they gave their lives not in vain, but in the promise that Christ would not let the gates of hell prevail against His Church. 
Therefore, because of these many strong waves of Protestors that for over five hundred years continued to crash against the Whore of Babylon, the True Church was finally set free!  The True Church got free from the tyranny and oppression of the Roman Catholic Church and God’s people were able to experience a fresh revival of the Holy Spirit.  Thus they were used to bring God’s power to their generation and to many generations after them.  Here are just some of their stories.

Peter Waldo and the Waldensian Movement | 1177-1500’s

            Peter Waldo was born in Lyon, France in 1140 and was a merchant by trade and did his business in a very shrewd and dishonest way.  He was converted as a young man and immediately began preaching the Gospel to the people in the urban areas of France.  At first he was accepted by the Catholic Church, but soon was excommunicated because he would not neither stop preaching nor making the Bible understood in the common language.
            He believed in the priesthood of the believer and fought against the priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church that oppressed the people and hid the Word of God in the Latin language.  His followers became known as the “Waldensians,” which means “poor ones” in French, and they continued his teachings all through France, Italy, and Spain for the next 300 years. 
The Waldensians lived very humble lives, giving much of their money to the poor, and they taught that God should use all men for the work of the ministry and just a “priestly class”.  Because of their anti-Catholic practices the Whore of Babylon consistently persecuted them, but they remained until the time of Martin Luther and the Great Reformation.  During the Great Reformation they joined forces with other Protestors and gave great strength to the movement and thus legacy is still with us today.
Here the words that this great movement lived by:

To All
who are weary and need rest,
who rejoice and want to share the news,
who mourn and need comfort,
who have been blessed and want to praise,
who are lonely and need friends,
who sin and need a Savior, or
who are grateful and want to serve God
and their neighbor --
this church opens wide its doors and its heart
and bids you welcome
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
(Author Unknown)

John Wycliffe and the Lollards | 1320-1400’s

            John Wycliffe was born in 1320 in Yorkshire, England and went to Oxford University where he became a Doctor in Divinity.  With all his knowledge of the Word of God and church history he began to oppose the role and place of the Pope and began to preach that the Bible was the only sole authority in the Church.  He then was opposed and excommunicated by the Whore of Babylon and his followers became known as the “Lollards,” which meant “heretics” in Old English. 
            John Wycliffe desired that the Bible be translated from Latin to the English, which was the language of his day so he broke the Roman Catholic law and translated the entire New Testament into the English of his day.  His followers began to teach and distribute the Bible to the people in England.  He also was a sort powerful voice in opposing the British monarchy and held strong political views, which led to uprisings that took power from the wicked leaders and gave freedom to the people.
Because Wycliffe came 200 years before Martin Luther he is called the “Morning Star of the Reformation” and after he died the Roman Catholic Church dug up his body and burned to try to turn people away from his teachings.  But his teachings inspired men like John Hus and many others who saw the dream of religious freedom and revival come to Europe!

Quotes from Wycliffe

“This Bible is for the government of the people, by the people and for the people.”

“I believe that in the end truth will conquer.”

John Hus and the Hussites | 1372-1500’s

John Hus was born in Husinec, Bohemia (Modern Day Czech Republic) and became a Roman Catholic Priest.  He eventually heard John Wycliffe’s teachings and he began to denounce the Church of Rome and preach salvation by faith and as a result he was excommunicated and labeled a heretic.  However, because John Hus gained many dedicated followers very quickly by the time he was excommunicated his followers began revolutionary wars against the Catholic supported government.  Therefore, John Hus was the first reformer to have actually wars over his teachings and protesting.  Though his followers lost most of these wars, it was the start of revolution, which soon would sweep over Europe during the Great Reformation.
His followers became known as the Hussites and his teachings of universal priesthood, the authority of the Bible, and salvation by grace spread all over Europe.  Eventually the Whore of Babylon captured him and burned him alive at the stake.  Despite his gruesome death his followers and teachings continued on through the Great Reformation and out of this movement came the Moravian Church, which was the a Spirit-filled group of radical believers that sent missionaries all over the world and exists until this day.

Story of Execution |  He stood with his feet on the targets, which were mixed with straw that they might the more readily ignite. Wood was piled all round him up to the chin. Before applying the torch, Louis of Bavaria and the Marshal of the Empire approached, and for the last time implored him to have a care for his life, and renounce his errors. "What errors," asked Huss, "shall I renounce? I know myself guilty of none. I call God to witness that all that I have written and preached has been with the view of rescuing souls from sin and perdition; and, therefore, most joyfully will I confirm with my blood that truth which I have written and preached."  At the hearing of these words they departed from him, and John Huss had now done talking with men. The fire was applied, the flames blazed upward.

William Tyndale | 1494-1536

            William Tyndale was born in 1494 in South West England and went to Oxford where he became a scholar in Biblical studies and knew French, Greek, Hebrew, German, Italian, Latin, Spanish, and English.  He was greatly influenced by the reformers before his day and thus he translated the entire Bible into English and was thus condemned by the Great Whore of Babylon.  He became a great writer for the early reformation movement and his books are still widely known and read today in seminaries.  He was eventually captured and strangled to death by the Church of Rome and then burned to ashes at the early age of 42.
            William Tyndale was most known for his blunt way of protesting the Roman Catholic Church, for his entire Bible written in English, and for his plain and insightful books on Christian theology.  Here are just some of his courageous and valiant quotes:

Quotes from Tyndale

"I defy the Pope, and all his laws; and if God spares my life, I will cause the boy that drives the plow in England to know more of the Scriptures than the Pope himself!"

“To scatter Roman darkness by this light, the loss of land and life I'll reckon slight.”

“Take heed, therefore, wicked prelates, blind leaders of the blind; indurate and obstinate hypocrites, take heed …. Ye will be the chiefest in Christ's flock, and yet will not keep one jot of the right way of his doctrine …ye keep thereof almost naught at all, but whatsoever soundeth to make of your bellies, to maintain your honour, whether in the Scripture, or in your own traditions, or in the pope's law, that ye compel the lay-people to observe; violently threatening them with your excommunications and curses, that they shall be damned, body and soul, if they keep them not. And if that help you not, then ye murder them mercilessly with the sword of the temporal powers, whom ye have made so blind that they be ready to slay whom ye command, and will not hear his cause examined, nor give him room to answer for himself.”

Martin Luther and the Lutherans | 1483-Present

            Martin Luther was born in 1483 in Eisleben, Germany and he became a Catholic priest that had trouble with his own sinfulness and guilt.  He never truly believed he was saved or forgiven of his sin no matter how well he followed the false teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.  Eventually he read Romans 5 and was given a revelation that the “just shall live by faith” and from that time on he felt truly justified, at peace with God, and forgiven of all his sins because of the finished work of Jesus Christ and not his works in the flesh. 
            Therefore, after having been truly saved he began to oppose the false teachings of the Whore of Babylon and he wrote 95 theses against the Catholic Church and nailed them to his church’s door.  Most of these points dealt with the ungodly misuse of indulgences for the forgiveness of sin.  Nonetheless, the Church of Rome had no patience for his disagreements and thus he was speedily excommunicated and called a devilish heretic.
            At the same time, the Protestors were getting stronger and stronger and getting more vocal, so by the time of Luther and his excommunication the power of God ripped through the devil’s anti-Christ Church of Rome and the Great Reformation started.  Leaders began to rise up all over Europe and unite against the wicked and corrupt political and religious powers of the land.  Within fifty years after Luther’s theses his followers, the Lutherans, had taken over most of Germany, France, Scotland, England, Hungry, and Switzerland.  His teachings on the “Five Solas” became the anthem for the reformers and as a result his movement is still with us today and all Evangelical owe their religious freedom to his work on justification by faith alone!

Quotes from Luther

“I feel much freer now that I am certain the pope is the Antichrist.”

“Faith is a living, daring confidence in God's grace, so sure and certain that a man could stake his life on it a thousand times.”

“You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say.”

“I am more afraid of my own heart than of the pope and all his cardinals. I have within me the great pope, Self.”

“Prayer is a strong wall and fortress of the church; it is a goodly Christian weapon.”


1.     Do you believe the Roman Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon?  Explain your answer.

2.     What led to the Great Reformation?  Who were some of the pioneers?

3.     Describe your favorite Protestor and explain why you like him the best.

4.     Write out each of the “Five Solas” of reformation and describe each with Scripture.


1.     “A Woman Rides the Beast,” by Dave Hunt.

2.     “Sola Scriptura,” by Dr. James White.

[1] Dave Hunt, A Woman Rides the Beast (Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House, 1994), 14.